Herdman SymposiumThe Herdman Symposium is run annually by the HerdmanEarth Sciences Society and the Department of Earth,Ocean and Ecological Sciences at the University ofLiverpool. It has been held every year since 1973.The Herdman Earth Sciences Society is the studentgeology society at the University of Liverpool. Founded in1918, it is one of the oldest such societies …
History of the Herdman Symposium
The Herdman Symposium is a student-led activity at the University of Liverpool. There cannot be many activities like this that have been in existence for more than 50 years! The history of this event is recorded here.
Herdman Symposium 2024
CONFERENCE THEME: “ENERGY AND SUSTAINABILITY” Date: Saturday 17th February 2024 Time: 9.30am-5.00pm. Drinks reception: 5.00pm-6.00pm (location to be confirmed). Location: Central Teaching Hub, University of Liverpool, L69 7BX Conference speakers: How to buy tickets: Ticket prices: A free buffet lunch will be provided to all attendees included with the ticket price. All tickets include entry …
From Magma to Ice and Energy
In March 2023, researchers from geology and geography gathered in the Department of Earth, Ocean, and Ecological Sciences to explore new cross-disciplinary applications of cutting-edge lab facilities in the department. Led by Dr Janine Kavanagh (https://www.liverpool.ac.uk/environmental-sciences/staff/janine-kavanagh/), the Mechanical and Geological Model Analogues (MAGMA) Laboratory (https://www.liverpoolmagmalab.org/) specialises in using laser imaging and scaled analogue models to …
Portrait of an Earth scientist – Rob Duller
We interviewed Rob Duller, lecturer of Earth Sciences at the University of Liverpool, about his work in sedimentology, his journey through academia, and the importance of geology in contributing to societal problems. What was your pathway into the geosciences? Did you study geology or geophysics before you went to university? I studied A-Level geology at …
Linking field observations to numerical models
Maggie Williams (Geoscience educator and co-founder and content developer for GeoHubLiverpool) and has been involved with geological field classes and undergraduate practical classes at the University of Liverpool for several years. Following a recent talk by Sandy Drymoni (University of Milan-Bicocca), held as part of the ESRG Seminar series at the University of Liverpool, Maggie …
V3GEO Turning the world Digital and Inside Out
John Kavanagh reflects on his experience of fieldwork at the University of Liverpool and the changes that have occurred over the last few years. He also talks about today’s need to make greater use of digital media to help students acquire field skills and how he has helped develop virtual mapping exercises at Liverpool. John’s …
Earth Science On-Site rescued
The GeoConservationUK Education Project [Earth Science On-Site] uses former aggregates sites to develop and publish examples of high-quality Earth Science field teaching activities for schools. These examples have been produced in collaboration with partners in the Earth Science Teachers’ Association (ESTA), the Earth Science Education Unit (ESEU) and the National Stone Centre (NSC). The materials …
Geothermal Progresses in the UK
On November the 17th I and some of our geothermal researchers, Mahesh Kajendran and Dawid Ryback made our way down to Burlington House in London where the 8th UK Geothermal Symposium was being held at the Geological Society. Though having attended this conference before, this year’s one was particularly special to me as I was …
On the path to volcanoes
Anthony Lamur outlines the route he followed to become a volcanologist. I fell in love with volcanoes at 6 years old while watching a tv program in which a volcanologist sampled lava during the 1984 Mauna Loa eruption in Hawaii. The fact that he/she was dressed in this weird astronaut-y suit using a “big spoon” …
What is Earth Science?
Rob Duller and Chris Stevenson (two lecturers in Earth Science at the University of Liverpool) explain how Earth Scientists use biology, chemistry, physics and maths to understand the world around us. Their conclusion is that to save our planet, we must understand our planet.
Earth science at Liverpool
Watch this video to find out more about the Earth science programmes that are available at the University of Liverpool. The video also outlines the careers that Earth scientists can follow. Become a Liverpool Earth Scientist. Have a great time studying and living in Liverpool and on graduation make a real difference to our collective …