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93 | Gneiss. Non Loc. |
94 | Gneiss. Silicic migmatitic gneiss with compositional layering. Glen Tarbert. |
95 | Gneiss. Psammitic gneiss with spaced compositional layering. Glenfinnan Division. Glen Tarbert. |
132 | Slate. Bethesda quarry, Snowdonia. |
142 | Slate. Bethesda quarry, Snowdonia |
180 | Gneiss. Migmatitic gneiss. Burgeo, Newfoundland. |
197 | Gneiss. Amistoq Gneiss with Nuk pegmatite. Amistoq, West Greenland |
205 | Gneiss. Granulitic gneiss. East of Cluanie, Glen Morriston, Northwest Highlands of Scotland. |
209 | Psammite. Specimen shows 1cm banding. Aigas, Beauly, Inverness-shire, Scotland. |
211 | Migmatite. Beauly, Inverness-shire, Scotland. |
230 | Gneiss. Folded psammitic migmatite gneiss. Non Loc. |
231 | Gneiss. Garnet in gneiss. Lochind, Scotland. |
232 | Garnets in banded metamorphic rock, Canada |
233 | Necked pegmatite in migmatitic bi-gneiss, Swordly Bay |
234 | Garnet porphyroblasts. Kinloch Hourn, West Highlands of Scotland. |
235 | Gneiss. Swarm of quartz plates in gneiss, Grenville, Canada |
236 | Gneiss. Non Loc. |
238 | Eclogite. Non Loc. |
239 | Migmatite. Non Loc. |
240 | Migmatites. Burgeo Road, newfoundland. |
241 | Garnet. Shown in garnet-hornblende metabasite (metamorphosed mafic rock). Near Loch Ruthven, Scotland. |
243 | Serpentinite (metamorphic rock mostly composed of serpentine group minerals). Rock shows chromite layering. West Gander River, Newfoundland. |
244 | Metamorphosed mafic igneous rock. Amphibole formed after xenolithic dyke. Ameralic dyke, Amistag, W Greenland. |
246 | Garnet skarn. Thorr, Donegal. |
247 | Gneiss. Gabbroic anorthosite with original texture despite early Archaean + early Proterozoic deformation. Angmagssalik, E Greenland. |
248 | Mylonite. Garnet overprints in mylonite. Great Lakes. |
249 | Gneiss. Shear zone in migmatitic gneiss. Stare Miasto in Czech Republic. |
250 | Gneiss. Grey gneiss with concordant bands. Cut by pink pegmatitic gneiss. North West Harris, Scotland. |
251 | Anorthosite. Kelyphite rims on garnet in anorthosite. (nb Kelyphite is intergrown brown picotite (spinel) and aluminous pyroxenes) South Harris, Scotland. |
252 | Mylonite. Thin section view. |
254 | Gneiss. Semipelitic gneiss. Lochindorb, Strathspey |
255 | Gneiss. Augen structure. Non Loc. |
256 | Gneiss. Injection gneiss. East of Kirtomy (NE of Bettyhill), Scotland |
257 | Silic-semipel gneissic metaseds - migmatised. Glen Urquhart, Scottish Highlands(1) |
258 | Silic-semipel gneissic metaseds - migmatised. Glen Urquhart, Scottish Highlands(2) |
261 | K-felds augen gneiss in matrix. Rims around K-feld = granulation. Schlieren of amphibolitic material. Clerkhill, Bettyhill, Sutherland |
263 | Garnet: crystals overprinting main foliation (S2) in Mesozoic calc-schists (Bündnerschiefer). Alps |
264 | Augen gneiss. Non loc. |
265 | Folded gneiss. Late folds in Grenville gneiss, Great Lakes. |
266 | Migmatitic granitic gneiss. Grenville gneiss, Great Lakes. |
267 | Metagabbro. Layered metagabbro, SW Greenland |
269 | Sheared serpentinite. Baie Verte Line, Baie Verte Peninsula, Newfoundland |
270 | Gneiss. Gneissic psammite. Early shearing. Glendessary, Scotland |
275 | Mylonite. Porphyroclasts after pebbles in mylonite. West of Tongue, Sutherland |
276 | Mylonite schist with oblate, stretched quartz & quartz/ feldspar pebbles. West of Tongue |
349 | Mylonite. Windsor Pt Group. Coast. Nova Scotia |
696 | Gneiss. Folded gneiss. Ilulissat, West Greenland. Precambrian shield. |
697 | Geiss. Folded gneiss. Ilulissat, West Greenland. Precambrian shield. |
698 | Banded gneiss. Ilulissat, West Greenland. Precambrian shield. |
699 | Gneiss. Migmatitic orthogneiss with intrusive granite sheets & veins. Atta, west of Eqi, West Greenland. |
700 | Contact metamorphism in Carboniferous sediments below Whin sill (quartz dolerite). (Sill forms well-jointed rock at the top of the section) High Force, Northumbria. |
703 | Augen gneiss. Non Loc. |
Images of metamorphic rocks
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