These are intended as exemplars and may be adapted by teachers for use at other sites.
The Project was funded by
DEFRA's Aggregates Levy Sustainability Fund
, administered by
(formerly English Nature).
The pilot project ran from August 2004 to March 2005 and four sites were chosen:
The major grant ran from May 2005 to March 2007 and a further eight sites were completed:
The continuing grant ran from July 2007 to March 2008 and enabled us to run several teacher-workshops and to work on three further sites:
As part of the Black Country Geodiversity Action Plan we were able to produce field teaching materials for:
The selected sites are designated RIGS or SSSI sites, mostly have open access or are owned by public bodies.
Earth Science On-Site
was unable to obtain further funding.
Please use the site menu to navigate through the teaching materials.
The GeoConservationUK Education Project [
Earth Science On-Site
] uses former aggregates sites to develop and publish examples of high quality Earth Science field teaching activities for schools. They have been produced in collaboration with partners in the Earth Science Teachers’ Association (ESTA), the Earth Science Education Unit (ESEU) and the National Stone Centre (NSC). The materials have been devised to address the requirements of the National Curriculum at key stage 2 [7 - 11 yrs]. KS 3 [11-14yrs], KS4 [14 -16 yrs - GCSE]. These are intended as exemplars and may be adapted by teachers for use at other sites.