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Mike Tuke’s

Bibliography Below is a list of books and other sources containing ideas for other experiments Allen, JRL   1985 Experiments in physical sedimentology.  Allen and Unwin, London Bonnet RL and Keen GD  1990 Earth Science: 49 Science Fair projects.McGraw- Hill New York Carlson R C  The catalyst collection outstanding earth science activities. Dept of Geological sciences California State University at Fullerton Earth Science Curriculum Project 1967 Investigating the Earth. Houghton Miffin New York Farndon J 1992 How the earth works. Eyewitness Dorling Kindersley, London Heller RL 1962  Geology and Earth Sciences Sourcebook Holt Rinehart and Winston  New York King C 1991 Sedimentology Book 1 and 2  Longman National Curriculum Council 1993 Earth Science for Secondary School Teachers  National Curriculum Council York  U.K. Scotchmoor J and McKinney FK 1996 Learning from the fossil record  The Palaeontological Society Tuke MF 1991  Earth Science: Activities and Demonstrations  John Murray  London Booklets Earth Science Teachers Association  has published a series of booklets on different aspects of Geology entitled "Science of the Earth 11-14" Each of which contains instructions for one or more activities designed for GCSE students. Journals Teaching Earth Science published by the Earth Science Teachers Association (British) Journal of Geological Education published by the National Association of Teachers of Geology (American) Many American publishers produce physical Geology lab books but they only contain very simple or paper activities. Web sites www.earthlearningidea www.esta-uk.net
Earth Science Activities and Demonstrations